Socialisation Project The Phoenix Society is a major South Australian provider of employment and training services for people with disabilities with the aim of expanding the range of options and opportunities available to
Socialisation Project The Phoenix Society is a major South Australian provider of employment and training services for people with disabilities with the aim of expanding the range of options and opportunities available to
Therapeutic Sand Play Project Centacare is a well known South Australian community service agency involved in the care of families and children. Centacare works with families with complex and multiple needs. The children
Christmas Hamper Project Magic Moments Foundation was formed to provide much needed food and personal care items to at-risk families and individuals in the South Australian community. UCF has provided a grant of
Netzzz*-Work Malaria Protection Project Bright Futures Child Aid & Development Fund Australia Inc. is an Australian based Christian aid and development agency working to provide education and development opportunities for children and communities
Camp for Kids Project Prison Fellowship Australia (S.A.) is a volunteer-based Christian ministry with a vision to be an instrument of reconciliation and restoration within the Criminal Justice System. Prison Fellowship provides a
Purchase of tools and equipment TRACS is a volunteer organisation that exists to assist people in remote communities who are in need. It does so by providing, food, clothes, support and maintenance assistance.
Restoring Sight Project The 2h Project is a not for profit Australian development organisation working with local communities in developing countries to bring help and build hope for the poor and disadvantaged. The
Equipment purchase Friends of BIRCH (Brain Injury Rehabilitation Community & Home) is a South Australian charity run by volunteers which is committed to assisting people with acquired brain injuries. BIRCH was awarded a