UCF Sponsors

Star Pharmacy Group (SPG)





In addition to other business interests, UCF Directors Stan Kontos and Peter Gardiakos are also co-founders and Directors of the successful Star Pharmacy Group (SPG) comprising pharmacies in SA, NSW and Queensland.

In their desire to “pay it forward“, Stan and Peter have structured SPG as a socially responsible business to create positive social change via UCF.

To that end, UCF has been supported from the beginning by donations from selected pharmacies within SPG. This vital underpinning of UCF funds contributes considerably to our stability and capacity – making over 100 small grants with IMPACT! since inception.

Gratitude Springs

Gratitude Springs water


Gratitude Springs bottled water is another initiative of SPG which began in the summer of 2012-2013. This bottled water is sold in selected pharmacies within SPG and 50 cents from every bottle comes to UCF.

This resulted in a contribution of $5,040 to UCF in the 2014 calendar year.

Water sales contributed $3,088 to UCF in the 2015 calendar year.

Water sales contributed $3,203.55 to UCF in the 2016 calendar year.

Water sales contributed $3,096 to UCF in the 2017 calendar year.

Water sales contributed $2,064 to UCF in the 2018 calendar year.


UCF “Your Change for Their Change” money boxes

SPG pharmacies and Star Discount Chemists also have a UCF money box near the register for customers to drop in change. Our grateful thanks go to the pharmacy managers and their staff for helping get the word out about UCF, and to their generous customers ๐Ÿ™‚

The money boxes contributed $4,229 to UCF in the 2014 calendar year.

The money boxes contributed $3,054 to UCF in the 2015 calendar year.

The money boxes contributed $4,519 to UCF in the 2016 calendar year. WooHoo!! ๐Ÿ™‚

The money boxes contributed $3,591.50 to UCF in the 2017 calendar year.

The money boxes contributed $4,364.95 to UCF in the 2018 calendar year.


SPG Cycling Team

In November 2014, a few SPG cycling enthusiasts decided to enter Amy’s Ride in South Australia and, as part of their kit, put the UCF logo on their right jersey sleeve as a promotional gesture.

Following their success, friends asked to join the team which then led to 10 cycling fiends committing to the Coast to Coast – a Glenelg to Victor Harbor ride of 120km (!) on Sunday 22 March 2015.

Now known as the SPG Cycling Team, they also decided to raise funds for UCF this time and managed a fabulous $3,686 for their efforts! Thanks so much to everyone ๐Ÿ™‚


Queensland SPG Christmas raffle

Each year since 2012, the SPG Queensland pharmacies have run a raffle at their Christmas party with proceeds to UCF.

In December 2014, they generously forwarded $326 to UCF and in return, the lucky raffle winners took home some great prizes – thank you so much everyone! A particular shout out and grateful thanks to Lien Ly who organises it – thanks Lien ๐Ÿ™‚

In December 2015 the Queensland SPG Christmas Raffle donated $540 to UCF – well done everyone!

In December 2016 the Queensland SPG Christmas Raffle donated $745 to UCF – our thanks again to Lien Ly and her husband Hung Chiem who organise this!

The 2017 Queensland SPG Christmas Raffle donated $765 to UCF – what a wonderful result! Thank you to all ๐Ÿ™‚


MSI Taylor (Brisbane, Qld)

MSI Taylor Audit Services




MSI Taylor is another socially responsible and community aware organisation which has offered Pro Bono audit services to UCF. This represents a large saving for UCF and we are grateful for MSI Taylor’s generous support and the initiative of Matthew Harris, a Partner and Director of MSI Taylor Business Services, in proposing UCF as a recipient of this service.

MSI Taylor was founded in 1972 and the practice today consists of 7 partners and over 40 staff. They aim to help small to medium enterprises and offer a full range of accounting and business services.


 Goodwill Wine


Goodwill Wine was started as a way of paying forward the support and generosity shown to David Laity by charitable organisations and the public after the Black Saturday bushfires of 2009.

Goodwill Wine offers a completely cost free service to all charities and non-profit organisations. They pass on 50% of the profit from the purchase price of some extremely good wine! Read more…


If your firm is a socially responsible organisation which would like to
support UCF small grants with IMPACT! please Contact Us