
28 September 2015 UCF Comments Off

Youthinc Employment Placement
In November 2015, another 10 young people between the ages of 16-25 and who live in South Australia, will be invited to participate in Youthinc’s pre-employment programme. One of these will be partially supported by a UCF small grant.

Following the programme, each participant is assigned a suitable job with a relevant host employer, as well as a mentor to provide ongoing support, motivation and guidance. Furthermore, a personalised self-development programme is designed for each participant which may include communication and presentation skills, nutrition, personal grooming, computer skills, professional counselling and financial management.

The initial employment period is six months which is then re?evaluated and an ongoing, longer term plan established. The relationship  with their mentor continues for 12 months. During this period, the programme of self-?development initiatives will be jointly compiled and tailored to the individual.

In 2006, Spero Chapley established Youthinc to assist disadvantaged young people with a mission of “helping people to help themselves”. Youthinc focuses on empowering young people through employment and tailored opportunities pertaining to personal development, training and education.

Youthinc is run in “waves”; groups of 8-10 people to maximize contact and therefore results. On completion of the programme, participants are better qualified for sustainable employment.

It costs $5,000 to progress one person through Youthinc’s Employment Placement (YEP) Programme and Youthinc applied to UCF for $2,000 to assist funding one person in the programme.

This person will experience:

  • a two-week pre-employment programme
  • six months supported employment with a longer career plan then established
  • the support of a one-on-one mentor for 12 months
  • tailored training and assistance specific to the individual’s needs
  • emergency funding allocation if required.

Not everyone has the support and opportunity that many people take for granted. Essential life skills are often assumed but without the appropriate modelling, young people continue the cycle of disadvantage and reliance on others (including Government funding) for survival.

Youthinc has helped people who have come from unstable home environments, suffered abuse and neglect, lack of education and homelessness.

The UCF Board were pleased to award a $2,000 grant toward enabling one young person to attend this potentially life-changing programme.